
Tag Archives | anxiety

Smiling Man in Dental Office

Dental Phobia: Do You Have It?

How to Handle Dental Phobia Although our practice is peaceful and serene, we know that some patients need a little more to get the extra comfort and security they need. For those that are nervous when it comes to dentistry, we have extensive experience working with ‘dental phobia.’ We designed our practice to provide a […]

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Scared Nervous Woman

Scared of the Dentist?

We understand, and we can help! The worst part about being scared of the dentist is that it may prevent you from getting the care you need. As well as being in pain or experiencing embarrassment due to missing or damaged teeth, avoiding the dentist can result in further damage and more costly repairs down […]

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Happy Dental Patient

Avoiding the Dentist?

Break the Cycle! Have you been avoiding the dentist due to fear or anxiety? Or has it been so long that you’re embarrassed or ashamed? At our practice, we promise to never “guilt-trip” or scold you about your teeth. Instead, we simply focus on positive change to our patients’ health, and you’ll find that our […]

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Fearful Patient

Nervous When it Comes to Dentistry?

If You Have a Dental Fear Let’s say you visit the dentist faithfully, and enjoy a high level of health. And yet, just before an appointment, you experience sweaty palms, increased heart rate, and you feel jittery and nervous. You—and 150 million other people—have a touch of dental fear. Dentistry today, with all the benefits […]

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Relieved Dental Patient

Overcome Your Dental Fear

We’d like to offer one comforting and wonderful fact about today’s dentistry: it’s comfortable, even pleasant. Technology, new procedures, and some very sophisticated approaches to anesthesia have all contributed to painless treatment, from cleaning to cavity preparations to root canal therapy. But what if you didn’t grow up with modern dentistry, and remember it differently? […]

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Nervous Woman Headshot

Dealing with a Dental Phobia

The bad thing about dental phobia is that it prevents people from seeking the care they need—when they need it. The good thing about it is that, today, we can treat fear as successfully as we treat tooth decay or crooked teeth. Over six million people experience some degree of anxiety when they visit the […]

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