
Tag Archives | smoking

Teeth Gums

The Long & Short of Gum Disease

Surprising but true: the major cause of tooth loss in adults is not decay, but periodontal disease. More than half of all people over age 18 have at least the early stage of periodontal disease. After age 35, about three out of four adults are affected. Some people seem to be more susceptible to gum […]

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Quit Smoking

The Truth About Smoking

While nobody enjoys getting lectured about a bad habit, it’s important to have all the relevant information available to you, especially when it involves health implication. So if you need any extra motivation to help you quit smoking, we’ll discuss some of the lesser known problems it can cause. It isn’t just your lungs that […]

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Dental Chart

Your Health History

Keep Us Informed of Any Changes! If it’s been a little while since your last appointment, then don’t forget to update your health history. Your dental care is part of your total health-care package. Have you: experienced any new allergies or sensitivities? quit smoking (or started)? begun taking new medications, even over-the-counter drugs? had any […]

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