
Tooth Health: Cut out the Carbonation

Soda Pop

Soda, Coke, Soft Drinks, Energy Drinks—whatever you call them, they’re bad for teeth.

You probably know that soft drinks aren’t good for you. They are high in sugar and provide little nutrition other than some “empty calories.” Even if you enjoy the diet/zero calorie versions, the acid content can be a problem.

That’s because the carbonation that provides the fizz and bubbles also contains carbonic acid, which can raise the ph balance of the mouth and weaken tooth enamel. Additionally, most soft drinks use either citric or phosphoric acids as flavoring agents or preservatives, so soft drinks can be especially hard on teeth.

If you’ve had problems with cavities and tooth decay, one of the best ways to prevent future problems is to stop drinking carbonated soft drinks and other sugary beverages. If you do find yourself having one on occasion, use water afterward to rinse out your mouth and help protect teeth against acidity.

Alternatives to Drinking Soda

  • Drink sugar-free, non-carbonated beverages such as green tea.
  • Looking for energy? Instead of sugary soda or energy drinks, have a healthy snack instead.
  • Drink plenty of water. Becoming thirsty and dehydrated can trigger a soda craving.
  • Give your water a healthy twist by infusing it with fresh fruits, cucumber, etc.
  • Have a glass of milk. It has an almost neutral ph and contains vital nutrients such as calcium.

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