
Today’s Improvements in Dentistry

Dental ToolsThere’s a bright new trend in dental offices these days: more people are scheduling appointments because they want to, not because they have to.

Dentistry just isn’t the same anymore.

In the past decades we’ve seen the development of materials and procedures that would be unimaginable to our predecessors. So if you know someone who hasn’t been to the dentist in a while, tell them they’ll be pleasantly surprised by what they find.

Pain Control

Today’s dentistry is virtually painless. Technology, stress control techniques, and some very sophisticated approaches to anesthesia have all contributed to painless treatment—from cleaning to cavity preparation to root canal treatment.

Aesthetic Appearance, Functionally Strong

A new discipline has developed around making dental procedures both beautiful and functional. And does it ever show in our patient’s smiles.

  • Tooth whitening is a simple, inexpensive way to lighten stains and discolorations on teeth without altering the natural structure.
  • Bonding can be used to rebuild tooth structure and hide imperfections. With today’s modern composite resins, there’s no limit to the cosmetic “magic” we can work on a smile—close gaps, reshape teeth, lengthen here, brighten there.
  • Tooth-colored filling materials are getting prettier—and stronger—every day
  • Implants—Though people are keeping their teeth longer and longer, part of the older population still has to deal with missing teeth. For those denture wearers who’ve always hoped for something better, dental implants can be a kind of dental rebirth.

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