
Tag Archives | saliva

Alcoholic Cocktails

Alcohol, Your Teeth, & Your Health

While some studies might find benefits in moderate drinking (such as antioxidants in red wine), you can surely obtain these supposed positives through other, more healthy options. In fact, alcohol consumption has mostly adverse effects on our well-being. Most people know this but still drink due to the cultural and social aspects. Of course, moderation […]

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Salivary Glands

What’s In Saliva?

Why Do We Have Saliva? And why is it important to teeth? Saliva plays a critical role in the digestive process. While the jaw and teeth do the hard work of chewing, saliva is there to provide moisture, lubrication, and help break down food. Then, of course, it also makes swallowing the food a whole […]

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Saliva Glands

Saliva Protects Your Teeth

Dental Benefits of Saliva A healthy flow keeps you good to go! Saliva provides many benefits to teeth, which usually go unnoticed in a healthy mouth. However, the discomfort of chronic dry mouth (xerostomia) is impossible to ignore! If you experience this condition, contact our office today at (916) 391-2888. Saliva helps lubricate the teeth […]

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Elderly Woman Drinking Water

Chronic Dry Mouth (Xerostomia)

Dry Mouth Can Be Harmful Oral health includes a healthy flow of saliva. Dry mouth (also called xerostomia) is usually just a short term symptom of dehydration. However, if reduced saliva flow becomes a chronic issue, it can lead to more serious dental problems. That’s because saliva coats teeth to provide a protective layer against […]

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Checking for Bad Breath

Analyzing Bad Breath

Bad breath (or halitosis) happens to all of us from time to time, and nobody likes it. As well as being a social embarrassment, bad breath can also be a warning sign of more serious dental problems. By analyzing the type of bad breath patients complain of, we can help determine its cause. What Causes […]

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Young Woman Checking Her Breath

Do You Have Bad Breath?

When Bad Breath is Something to Worry About Morning breath…dragon mouth…onion breath…there are about as many descriptions of halitosis as there are reasons for it occurring. Chronic bad breath is usually not just too much garlic for lunch. Here’s a list of common bad breath causes, and what you might consider doing about each: Garlic […]

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Salivary Glands

Saliva… Fantastic Fluid!

Your salivary glands make up to three pints a day of this fantastic fluid. Why so much? Because saliva plays an important role in keeping your teeth and gums fit and smiling. Saliva helps fight cavities by prevent food from sticking to teeth and gums, it also helps neutralize stomach acid preventing heartburn. Saliva even […]

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Woman Getting a Cavity Filled

Every Mouth is Different

Custom Dental Care for Your Needs No two of us are alike. We all have our own smiles, speech patterns, eye and hair colorings. But we’re just now beginning to learn how unique our mouth environments really are. Turns out, they’re as distinctively different as fingerprints. One patient can go a year between checkups, while […]

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Dry Mouth (Xerostomia)

Help for Dry Mouth Sufferers

Does your mouth seem uncomfortably dry? Or have you actually been diagnosed with dry mouth (as a side effect of certain types of medication or radiation therapy for cancer)? Either way, here’s what you need to know about your condition: A dry mouth is not only uncomfortable, it’s a cavity-prone environment. Normal saliva flow is […]

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Salivary Glands

Do You Have A Salivary Stone?

A healthy flow of saliva is critical for chewing and digestion, bathing gums, and bacterial control. And we owe it all to salivary glands, three pairs of organs in the cheek and floor of the mouth. Each gland secretes saliva into the mouth via a tube, and this is where trouble can begin. Sialolithiasis—whew—names the […]

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